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( undres s ~~
Synonyms · Usage ~ Examples
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un·dress ) (un dres′; for n., usually un′dres′)

tran (( s itive ~ verb ( trans i t
to take off the clothing of; strip
to divest of ornament
to remove the dressing from ( a woun // n nd)
in tran s itive /verb / ))
to take off one's clothes; strip
noun x
the state of being ) ( naked, only partly dressed, or in night clothes, a robe, etc.
ordinary or informal dress, as opposed to uniform, full dress, etc.
un dried
un drink // able

un dress
v.stri ~ p, take off one's clothes, undrape, disrobe, unclothe,
divest, become naked, assume the altogether*, put on one's birthday suit*, strip to the buff*, peel*, climb out of one's clothes*.
dress*, put on one's clothes, attire oneself.
undress Usage Examples
Obje / ct
room: Each consists of undressing room, the bath-room, and the dressing-room.body: They undressed the body and laid it on a wooden table called an embalming ~table.child: According to the latter's statement, he had undressed the child for the purpose of giving him a bath.baby: Zips up for easy on, off & diaper changes Easy to change diaper without undressing baby.
woman: Topic: How to un // ~ dress a woman with you mouse!
Preposition: on ~beach: IC: I think it was the little man [ undressing on the beach ] , yes.
Preposition: at
night: They are so quick after the siren that I am sure they never undress at night.
Converse of object
do: For example, if you are of the opposite sex to the child, do not undress or bathe them.watch:
He also got a chance to check out potential hiding places, sneak back later, and watch the neighbor ladies undress.
[ (( uma das condições indispensáveis da construção é a ingenuidade da disposição que torna o corpo leve e a ber to em consonância com a luminosa vibração do espaço e a sequência fluvial do tempo ~ António Ramos Rosa ~ abertura edges of illusion John Surman ~~~~~
then: Amiee and Chantelle Fashion Show We all got undressed then put on the fashion clothes and went on stage to model them.completely: Exposure: all multiple injured patients should be completely undressed.
slowly ( languidly ?
: As the water hit the shore outside, he'd slowly undress me and kiss each part of my body.
quickly: The bus driver and the man were quickly undressing to reveal that they were in fact a flaming red devil and a grim reaper.partially: After Aaron told his story, the women left the courtroom and Aaron partially undressed and stood before the jury.all ( almost? : The three immortal goddesses Had come, and all undressed To ask a mortal man to choose Which was the loveliest.

Modifies a noun: modifies ( a
uniform: The pill box was, in fact, the undress uniform of the soldier of the day.gown: Cap: Square ( for wear with the undress gown ).
Preposition: in
front: I don't get undressed in front of my husband.house: One night he sees a beautiful girl undressing in the house next door and instantly falls in love.
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